Banded Report Types

Report Type

When creating a new banded report, you have many options as to what type of report you want to create, including: List Report, Tabular, Form Style, Mailing Label, or a blank report you can create from scratch. You can also choose to use a report template from the Library of Objects.

Banded Report Wizard dialog with the List Report Type selected.

Report Style

Selecting a report style called "Admin Report Style" that shows a report with green column headers in the preview window.

The Report Style tab provides access to the available defined styles within the Library of Objects. A Style is a saved group of settings that affect the colors and fonts used within a report. The colors are used for controlling certain fonts and band backgrounds within the report. The style also contains predefined fonts and some of their attributes such as size, bold, and alignment. By creating and using styles your reports will be more consistent and quicker to build.

Report Template

Selecting a report template called "Evisions template" that contains several fields already added to the report.

Report Templates allow you to create and reuse a standard look and feel for your reporting. A report template can contain as much or little information as you want. For instance, a report template could be simply a Page Footer band with just the formula for the page number or it could contain multiple bands, images and other objects. On the Report Template tab, select the style you would like to use and you will see a preview of it to the right.

To see an overview of the process for creating a new report, return to the beginning of the New Report Definition wizard. Once you have selected the report type, the next step is to Select Report Data.


See also: